A complete bill production solution allowing on-screen taking off of dimensions, in various locations and in a variety of bill layouts, including standard architectural layouts, engineering layouts and so much more.
*Note that this module comes standard with all WinQS packages.
Link to BoQ Example
Create complete Bill of Estimates and Cost Plans with direct links to the Bill of Quantities thus creating rate build-ups and detailed Bills of Quantities simultaneously, and with ease.
Link to BoE Example
Allows the extraction of values from a project based on a defined sort key (eg Work Groups, Activities or Work Breakdown Structure) per area, within a project, including ratios. This module is designed to work with the Estimating module.
Link to ADVCA Example
This module streamlines monthly payment calculations in WinQS projects, eliminating the need for separate spreadsheets. It automatically locks in current quantities and rates as contract quantities, facilitating ongoing tracking of Final Account adjustments.
Additionally, WinQS now includes Variation Orders functionality for managing scope changes, allowing users to add or omit dimensions/values and generate reports detailing these changes. Instructions for using Variation Orders are available in the WinQS help file.
(CCRVal example)
This module enables monitoring and reporting on contract variances from the original Contract Value, presenting extras and savings in periodic Financial Review/Cost reports for comprehensive Cost Control and Reporting. There's no need for separate spreadsheets; the same WinQS project can be used for monthly Cost Reports.
Link to CostReport example
This WinQS module analyzes up to 6 rates, comparing Tender document rates to an Estimate base rate for anomalies and variances. It generates a detailed report highlighting the Highest or Lowest rate for each item. A Summary report analyzes sections/schedules, showing percentage differences per contractor.
A Variance Report displays rates exceeding or falling below a chosen percentage of a selected rate. Lastly, a Most Expensive Items report lists items totaling a significant portion of the project’s value, such as 25%.
(TenderA example)
This module allows for the generation of monthly payment certificate reports for both the JBCC and FIDIC contracts
The JBCC contracts allow for the generation of all Certificates, Notifications and Recovery Statements and as well as importing of the valuation data from the valuation BoQ into the JBCC certificate and automated CPAP Calculations in accordance with the JBCC Escalation Provisions. Also allowing the import of Haylett Indices from Stats SA for quick, easy and accurate escalation calculations.
The following contracts are included in the JBCC suite:
The FIDIC contract allows for the generation of standard FIDIC certificates, however currently only allows for manual input of values.
This module allows Contractors, Suppliers and other Tenderers to complete and submit tenders electronically by simply importing the WinQS file into the WinQS Tender system and completing the tender, which can then be exported again and sent back to the consultant.
*This module is not part of the WinQS Commercial system and is a system entirely on its own.
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